An Update

Thank you to all who participated in our most recent study. Preliminary findings were presented at the American Psychological Association Convention in 2007, and updated findings were presented at the American Counseling Association Conference in 2008.

A summary of results will be posted to this site soon.

Affirming Rainbow Research

Affirming Rainbow Research has been established to conduct research on issues individuals face when they experience same-sex attraction. Currently, we are focused on the topic of religion and sexual orientation. Through conducting research on important issues like this, our ultimate goal is to help counselors, psychologists and other mental health professionals better understand the experiences of lesbians, gay men, bisexuals and others who experience same-sex attraction. We intend to provide a place for people from across the country to learn about current perspectives and assist in furthering supportive research by completing surveys on different topics from time to time.

Please take some time to read about our CURRENT STUDY or